
Women’s History Month - Interview with Dr. Dilnoza Khasilova

Women’s History Month - Interview with Dr. Dilnoza Khasilova




March 11, 2024

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March 11, 2024

Dr. Dilnoza Khasilova is an American-Uzbek educator, researcher, and linguist with extensive global, cross-cultural, and inclusive experience. She holds her Ph.D. in Literacy Studies, Curriculum and Instruction Department within the College of Education and a minor in International Studies from the University of Wyoming. Dilnoza is an Assessment/Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Specialist at the Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning and founder of the World Language and Culture program (alumni initiative) at the University of Wyoming. Dilnoza has built a nonformal World Language and Culture Program framework with a unique structure that focuses on community engagement in Wyoming and beyond. She is particularly interested in the power of scholarship of teaching and learning, engaging and connecting students with alumni through lifelong learning, cross-cultural communication, and community outreach. Her research focuses on teaching and learning, international education, adult literacy, inclusive learning, life-long learning, ways of teaching and learning, ESL, and world languages and cultures.

We asked Dr Dilnoza, a couple of questions and her answers were no short of inspiring! 💪

1. Who has been your most influential mentor or role model?

“My most influential mentor has undoubtedly been my aunt, Dildora. She was a role model for me. Throughout my life, she has exemplified strength, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Her care and encouragement have fueled my ambition and inspired me to set and achieve my goals.

Aunt Dildora's remarkable journey as a dedicated physician doctor stands as a testament to her determination and resilience. Witnessing her commitment to excellence and her dedication to her career has deeply influenced my own aspirations and work ethic. She was honest, worked hard, and she always sought knowledge.

Her commitment to excellence in her career as a physician extends beyond borders. Through her extensive travels to exchange ideas and practices, she has not only broadened her own knowledge but also actively contributed to improving healthcare systems in our country. Her proactive approach in bringing back new healthcare apparatus and methodologies has been instrumental in advancing medical practices and patient care.

Her thirst for knowledge knew no bounds. Dildora's rigorous education and incredible reading habits served as a constant reminder of the importance of continuous learning and growth. She showed the values of lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity, inspiring me to seek knowledge and pursue excellence in all endeavors.

My aunt's dedication to her profession, coupled with her adventurous spirit, made her an exemplary role model for me. Her ability to navigate challenges with grace and determination fueled my own aspirations and my desire to make a meaningful impact in the world.

I am profoundly grateful for Dildora's mentorship, guidance, and support. I pay tribute to her and I am sure she is proud of me although she is no longer with us. Her influence continues to shape my path, instilling in me a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to making a difference.”

2. How do you stay motivated and continue to grow professionally in a constantly changing industry?

3. How do you unwind after a long week of work? Do you have a favorite 'guilty pleasure' activity or treat?

“After a fulfilling and busy week of work, I find joy in spending quality time with my family, particularly through outdoor exploration in the stunning natural landscapes of Wyoming. Whether it's hiking through scenic trails, picnicking by a river, or simply admiring the beauty of our surroundings, these moments of connection with nature rejuvenate my spirit and strengthen our family bond.

Cooking is another passion of mine, serving as a creative and a means of cultural expression. I like experimenting with diverse flavors and recipes, drawing inspiration from my heritage, and exploring cuisines from around the world. Sharing these culinary creations with my family and friends brings me immense satisfaction and fosters a sense of community and togetherness.

Music is also a significant source of enrichment in my life. I find great pleasure in listening to global music, immersing myself in the rich melodies and rhythms of different cultures including the Uzbek, Turkic, Persian, Arabic, and European. It serves as a gateway to understanding and appreciating diverse traditions and perspectives, enriching my cultural awareness and broadening my horizons.

Lastly, giving back to the community through volunteering holds deep personal significance for me. I am passionate about preserving and sharing the traditions of my heritage culture, and volunteering provides me with the opportunity to celebrate and showcase the beauty and richness of our cross-cultural traditions. Whether it's through cultural festivals, educational sessions/workshops, or community events, I take great pride in contributing to the cultural tapestry of our community and fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

These activities not only serve as avenues for relaxation and enjoyment but also as meaningful ways to connect with my close ones, celebrate diversity, and make a positive impact in our community.”

4. If your life was a book, what would the title be and why?

“If my life was a book, the title would be 'Force of Resilience: Navigating the Wilderness of Self-Belief'

'Force of Resilience' symbolizes the process of overcoming challenges and hardships to be strong and resilient. 'Navigating the Wilderness of Self-Belief' portrays the inner journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where one must navigate through uncertainties and doubts to cultivate a strong belief in oneself. This title conveys the message that nothing is easy and while the path to achieving one's dreams may be filled with challenges/obstacles, with resilience and self-belief, one can navigate through any wilderness and become stronger, ready to pursue her or his goals with determination.”

5. What emerging trends in philanthropy and fundraising excite you the most?

“I would mention four emerging trends in philanthropy and fundraising that excite me the most.

The first is tech-driven giving platforms. Leveraging technology for personalized donor experiences is particularly exciting. For example, leveraging technology allows for more efficient and engaging fundraising efforts, enabling nonprofits to reach broader audiences and cultivate deeper connections with donors through personalized experiences tailored to their interests and preferences.

The second trend is impact investing which not only provides an avenue for philanthropic capital to create measurable social and environmental impact but also can offer the potential for financial returns, thus fostering a sustainable cycle of giving.

The third trend is about collaborative giving initiatives. Such giving initiatives exemplify the power of collective action, where diverse stakeholders come together to address complex social issues with pooled resources and shared expertise.

The fourth trend is data-driven philanthropy. By leveraging data insights, philanthropic organizations can identify high-impact interventions, allocate resources more effectively, and evaluate the effectiveness of their initiatives in real time. Data-driven philanthropy approaches enable donors to make evidence-based decisions, maximize the efficiency of their investments, and achieve greater transparency and accountability in their philanthropic endeavors. These innovative approaches not only enhance the effectiveness of philanthropy but also inspire greater engagement and support from individuals and organizations passionate about making a difference in the world.”

Dr. Dilnoza Khasilova is an American-Uzbek educator, researcher, and linguist with extensive global, cross-cultural, and inclusive experience. She holds her Ph.D. in Literacy Studies, Curriculum and Instruction Department within the College of Education and a minor in International Studies from the University of Wyoming. Dilnoza is an Assessment/Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Specialist at the Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning and founder of the World Language and Culture program (alumni initiative) at the University of Wyoming. Dilnoza has built a nonformal World Language and Culture Program framework with a unique structure that focuses on community engagement in Wyoming and beyond. She is particularly interested in the power of scholarship of teaching and learning, engaging and connecting students with alumni through lifelong learning, cross-cultural communication, and community outreach. Her research focuses on teaching and learning, international education, adult literacy, inclusive learning, life-long learning, ways of teaching and learning, ESL, and world languages and cultures.

We asked Dr Dilnoza, a couple of questions and her answers were no short of inspiring! 💪

1. Who has been your most influential mentor or role model?

“My most influential mentor has undoubtedly been my aunt, Dildora. She was a role model for me. Throughout my life, she has exemplified strength, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Her care and encouragement have fueled my ambition and inspired me to set and achieve my goals.

Aunt Dildora's remarkable journey as a dedicated physician doctor stands as a testament to her determination and resilience. Witnessing her commitment to excellence and her dedication to her career has deeply influenced my own aspirations and work ethic. She was honest, worked hard, and she always sought knowledge.

Her commitment to excellence in her career as a physician extends beyond borders. Through her extensive travels to exchange ideas and practices, she has not only broadened her own knowledge but also actively contributed to improving healthcare systems in our country. Her proactive approach in bringing back new healthcare apparatus and methodologies has been instrumental in advancing medical practices and patient care.

Her thirst for knowledge knew no bounds. Dildora's rigorous education and incredible reading habits served as a constant reminder of the importance of continuous learning and growth. She showed the values of lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity, inspiring me to seek knowledge and pursue excellence in all endeavors.

My aunt's dedication to her profession, coupled with her adventurous spirit, made her an exemplary role model for me. Her ability to navigate challenges with grace and determination fueled my own aspirations and my desire to make a meaningful impact in the world.

I am profoundly grateful for Dildora's mentorship, guidance, and support. I pay tribute to her and I am sure she is proud of me although she is no longer with us. Her influence continues to shape my path, instilling in me a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to making a difference.”

2. How do you stay motivated and continue to grow professionally in a constantly changing industry?

3. How do you unwind after a long week of work? Do you have a favorite 'guilty pleasure' activity or treat?

“After a fulfilling and busy week of work, I find joy in spending quality time with my family, particularly through outdoor exploration in the stunning natural landscapes of Wyoming. Whether it's hiking through scenic trails, picnicking by a river, or simply admiring the beauty of our surroundings, these moments of connection with nature rejuvenate my spirit and strengthen our family bond.

Cooking is another passion of mine, serving as a creative and a means of cultural expression. I like experimenting with diverse flavors and recipes, drawing inspiration from my heritage, and exploring cuisines from around the world. Sharing these culinary creations with my family and friends brings me immense satisfaction and fosters a sense of community and togetherness.

Music is also a significant source of enrichment in my life. I find great pleasure in listening to global music, immersing myself in the rich melodies and rhythms of different cultures including the Uzbek, Turkic, Persian, Arabic, and European. It serves as a gateway to understanding and appreciating diverse traditions and perspectives, enriching my cultural awareness and broadening my horizons.

Lastly, giving back to the community through volunteering holds deep personal significance for me. I am passionate about preserving and sharing the traditions of my heritage culture, and volunteering provides me with the opportunity to celebrate and showcase the beauty and richness of our cross-cultural traditions. Whether it's through cultural festivals, educational sessions/workshops, or community events, I take great pride in contributing to the cultural tapestry of our community and fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

These activities not only serve as avenues for relaxation and enjoyment but also as meaningful ways to connect with my close ones, celebrate diversity, and make a positive impact in our community.”

4. If your life was a book, what would the title be and why?

“If my life was a book, the title would be 'Force of Resilience: Navigating the Wilderness of Self-Belief'

'Force of Resilience' symbolizes the process of overcoming challenges and hardships to be strong and resilient. 'Navigating the Wilderness of Self-Belief' portrays the inner journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where one must navigate through uncertainties and doubts to cultivate a strong belief in oneself. This title conveys the message that nothing is easy and while the path to achieving one's dreams may be filled with challenges/obstacles, with resilience and self-belief, one can navigate through any wilderness and become stronger, ready to pursue her or his goals with determination.”

5. What emerging trends in philanthropy and fundraising excite you the most?

“I would mention four emerging trends in philanthropy and fundraising that excite me the most.

The first is tech-driven giving platforms. Leveraging technology for personalized donor experiences is particularly exciting. For example, leveraging technology allows for more efficient and engaging fundraising efforts, enabling nonprofits to reach broader audiences and cultivate deeper connections with donors through personalized experiences tailored to their interests and preferences.

The second trend is impact investing which not only provides an avenue for philanthropic capital to create measurable social and environmental impact but also can offer the potential for financial returns, thus fostering a sustainable cycle of giving.

The third trend is about collaborative giving initiatives. Such giving initiatives exemplify the power of collective action, where diverse stakeholders come together to address complex social issues with pooled resources and shared expertise.

The fourth trend is data-driven philanthropy. By leveraging data insights, philanthropic organizations can identify high-impact interventions, allocate resources more effectively, and evaluate the effectiveness of their initiatives in real time. Data-driven philanthropy approaches enable donors to make evidence-based decisions, maximize the efficiency of their investments, and achieve greater transparency and accountability in their philanthropic endeavors. These innovative approaches not only enhance the effectiveness of philanthropy but also inspire greater engagement and support from individuals and organizations passionate about making a difference in the world.”

Blackbaud, the leading provider of software for powering social impact, and Almabase, the digital-first alumni engagement solution, have announced the expansion of their partnership to the education sectors of Canada and the United Kingdom. The partnership will provide institutions with a modern, digital-first solution to improve constituent data, drive self-serve engagement, and boost event participation.

A Unified Vision

The partnership aligns with Blackbaud’s commitment to customer-centric innovation across digital engagement, Advancement CRM, and financials.

“Partners bring integrated capabilities that extend capabilities and outcomes for Blackbaud customers. We are thrilled that Almabase’s offering, integrated with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® and leveraging Blackbaud’s best-in-class payment solution, Blackbaud Merchant Services™, is now available to even more of our customers around the world.”

- Liz Price, Sr. Director of Global Partners at Blackbaud

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