Digital engagement programs

Digitally engage thousands.
Turn them into donors.

Integrated tools for meaningful programs for every segment of your community, and a view of their engagement journey to measure and refine your strategy.

Digitally engage thousands. Turn them into donors.

Institutions connecting the dots between engagement and donations

Why Almabase’s Digital Engagement Programs?

The real ROI of engagement is lost without meaningful measurement

Almabase’s digital programs are where you can drive engagement in your community, and view every step of their journey towards your goals.

Meet Digital Programs

Most online community platforms are difficult to set-up, harder to create consistent engagement on, and don’t show you the true impact. Not digital programs.

Business directory

Business directory

Get started with more engagement programs for your alumni

Organise resources
Improve reach for your entrepreneurs
Job board

Job board

Connect job seekers with job providers by building a job board for your community

Improve networking
Improve career outcomes
News & updates

News & updates

Share weekly or monthly updates to your community

Streamlined communication
Target your communication
Alumni directory

Alumni directory

Help your alumni keep their information updated and find connections

Organise resources
Updated constituent data


Setup continuous learning and support programs by connecting the right mentors to the right mentees

Improve networking
Improve volunteering
Create your own program

Group Engagement

Tap into existing affinities within private spaces, and automate continuous engagement

Drive group engagement
Generate engagement reports
Create your own program

Custom Programs

Use integrated tools to build powerful digital programs

Easily track participation
Generate engagement reports

Where the dots can lead to your next wave of supporters

View every step of the engagement journey in a meaningful view. Inform strategy and action with clear data.

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Cross-tool measurement

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Actionable segments

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Custom reports in 3 steps

Where the dots can lead to your next wave of supporters

Power tools to get
the best out of teams

Community programs are difficult to set-up, harder to manage and take a lot of time to go through the learning-curve. We’ve simplified it for you with neatly packaged tools.

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Intuitive tools, easy to train

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Guided set-up

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Automations to save time

Power tools to get the best out of teams

Works out of the box, but is highly customizable

Pick from a catalogue of programs to set-up, promote and report with ease. Or create a custom program from a collection of powerful tools.

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Easily create custom programs

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Define outcomes and report on it

Works out of the box, but is highly customizable

Keep data in sync between Almabase & your CRM

Industry’s first bi-directional sync with advancement CRMs like Raiser’s Edge helps you supplement your workflows accurately.

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Mirror-like data across tools

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Custom sync-rules  & automation

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Enriched constituent information

Keep data in sync between Almabase & your CRM

An experience consistent with your brand

Provide constituents an experience that is a true reflection of your brand.

Advancement CRMs

Play perfectly with Advancement CRMs

Supplement your existing workflows, and cleanly update guest, payment and gift info into your CRM

Simple Set-ups

Makes complex set-ups simple

Whatever your strategy, Almabase delivers just that with custom registration forms, branded web-pages, payments and CRM workflows