Built to actively bridge the gap between your constituents and their dream jobs. Automatically send out recent listing updates through monthly emails.
Chosen by leading institutions across the world
Measure engagement activities of your various segments, and understand the return on your programs
Stop spending days on clunky tools, and collecting information from different resources. Automate the process
Setting-up, and getting value from this program is only a matter of a few simple steps
Improve career outcomes for your community by listing out jobs/internships opportunities on the community job boards.
Advanced Search filters
Reminders to post updates
Keep your alumni and students informed. Automatically share verified listings and job postings into related community groups and share them through auto email digests
Enable your constituents to share recent job/internship opportunities with other community members by listing the opportunity on the board, within a few clicks.
Instant access to members on your database
Keep information updated across tools
Use engagement to progressively improve their information