Personalised Email newsletter

A smarter way to share updates with your community

Share personalized monthly digests effortlessly. Customize content based on interests and automatically curate useful resources and posts.

A smarter way to share updates with your community

Chosen by leading institutions across the world

Customer success story

Punahou drives self serve engagement with a global alumni community

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Our alumni can now engage on their own, get the information they need, and connect with other community members easily without having to reach out to the alumni office.

Erin Kinney

Associate Director of Alumni Relations Punahou School

Customer success story

Concordia’s strategy to relationship-building in a digital-first age

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Earlier, the sources from which the alumni came were unknown due to different teams using multiple isolated tools . Today, Concordia has become a resource point for other campus partners and a home for alumni communication.

Shar Berns

Associate Director of Annual Giving and Engagement Advancement

Customer success story

Time, talent, and then treasure: How Merchant Taylors’ School nurtured its community to give back

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“We chose Almabase for our alumni community platform, and it surpassed our expectations. It became an interactive hub supporting all our engagement and fundraising efforts – communications, donations, volunteering, archives, resources, mentoring, and more. As a small team, Almabase underpins our work and enables us to develop engaging digital content for maximising community involvement."

Lisa Connor

Head of Development & Alumni Relations at Merchant Taylors' Schools, Liverpool

Why Digital Engagement on Almabase?

View of ROI

Measure engagement activities of  various segments, and understand the return on your programs

Switch to auto-pilot

Stop spending days on clunky tools, and collecting information from different resources. Automate your process

Easy set-up

Setting-up, and getting value from this program is only a matter of a few simple steps

Share meaningful emails in no time

Automation that turns a feed you post into well crafted emails, so you don’t have to spend days setting it up on clunky email tools.

Share meaningful emails in no time

Curate and share useful resources automatically

Automatically curate posts from groups or directories, such as job boards and class stories, and turn them into a beautiful digest, so you don’t have to spend time collecting news and updates.

Curate and share useful resources automatically

Personalize to interests

Interests, topics and lists allow you to segment posts based on your audiences.

Personalize to interests

Share it your way

Moderate the posts that go out into the digest, and set a frequency that matches your cadence.

Share it your way

Always stay on top of it