K-12 Schools

Holton-Arms School

Holton-Arms School

July 11, 2024

For this edition of Almabase Spotlights featuring K12 Schools, we shine the spotlight on Holton-Arms School and their Young Alumnae panels that have been a constant source of support for their current students.

💡 An Idea that facilitates college preparedness, aided by young alumnae

The Young Alumnae panel connects young alumnae who are in college with current upper-school students through a panel discussion. The main objective behind this initiative is to prepare upper-school students for college and life after school. The Young Alumnae Panel acts as an open space for students to direct all their queries to alumni who are presently studying at college. The panel is a wide mix of alumnae from various backgrounds - some studying at large universities whereas some from smaller liberal arts institutions. The panels are a great way to help students who are confused about which road to take, by connecting them with young alumnae who have been down those very roads, not too long ago.

👥 The Young Alumnae Panel for Upper School

The Alumnae Office at Holton-Arms School has been organizing these panels for the last six years. All of the upper-school students get to partake in these panels until they graduate. On average, each student gets to interact with about 2-8 alumnae throughout their four years in upper-school. To keep students interested, the panels are structured to resemble fun and casual conversations rather than serious and boring discussions.

While the event is usually hosted on the School’s campus, the panel this year was held virtually for obvious reasons. For their recent panel, the School roped in about 20 different alumnae to be a part of the program. They organized breakout rooms where 2-3 alumnae were paired with about 25 students. Besides being advantageous for the students, the panels are something to look forward to for the alumnae too, as they get to interact their beloved faculty members, juniors, and visit their campus (during simpler times, of course). We love how the panels bring the School’s past and the present together 💙.

⭐ Our Source of Inspiration

Amanda Hewitt currently serves as the Director of Alumnae at Holton-Arms School, which also happens to be her alma mater. She was previously the Assistant Director of Alumni Relations at St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School.

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