K-12 Schools

Restoration Academy

Restoration Academy

July 11, 2024

For this edition of Almabase Spotlights featuring K-12 Institutions, we shine the spotlight on Restoration Academy, and how they managed to raise funds and provide quality spiritual and academic education to over 60 students through their Hope for the Holidays Fundraiser.

💡A Holiday Fundraiser To Raise Funds For Scholarships

The Hope for the Holidays Fundraiser was launched with a goal to raise $600,000 to support the education of the Academy’s students. By leveraging a meaningful communication plan, the Academy was able to surpass its goal by raising over $647,000. The Development team attributes the campaign’s success to how they approached their messaging, and how this resonated with their constituents on social media. The core idea behind their messaging was to highlight how the funds would be used to sponsor the education for 60 children. Restoration Academy relies largely on philanthropic acts to provide quality education to their students, and the impact of each contribution was made abundantly clear with every social media post.

One of the posts that Restorative Academy posted on their Facebook page to increase engagement

Besides actively engaging with visitors on social media, the Development team also had a multi-touchpoint system in place to thank their donors. As soon as someone made a donation, they would receive an automated “Thank you” note along with their receipt. They would also receive a personalized note written by one of the Board Members. The final touchpoint saw Donation Officers making regular calls to donors to show their gratitude.

The Academy also made use of other unique ideas to boost engagement among constituents and increase participation throughout the campaign. For instance, constituents were sent essays written by students, which added an extra layer of intimacy to their outreach. They also showcased some of their constituents’ fondest Christmas memories on social media to boost engagement. We love how the Academy brought their constituents together during the Season of Giving to make an impact on so many students’ lives. ♥

The Academy’s social media post that highlighted some of their alumni’s treasured Christmas memories

🌟Our Source of Inspiration

Phyllisicia "Phaye" Wilson currently serves as Director of Communication and Marketing at Restoration Academy. She has been serving in the role for six years. She's passionate about the students she serves, and Restoration Academy's supporters, and many partnerships.

She and Restoration Academy's development team are embarking on their most substantial fundraising effort to date, and by God's grace and hard work believes they will not only reach their goal but surpass their goal of raising 4.4M.

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