Public Universities

Governors State University

Governors State University

July 11, 2024

For this edition of Almabase Spotlights featuring Public Universities, we shine the light on Governors State University and their incredible Jaguar Journal Podcast, which is helping both current and former students learn from their peers.

💡 An Idea to Create a Unique Podcast by an Alum and for the Alumni

Jaguar Journals is a podcast hosted by Kristiana Russell, an alum who graduated from Governors State University in 2020. The intention of the podcast is to help both current and former students pick up invaluable life-skills from experiences and stories shared by the guests, who are usually alumni from various fields. Each episode deals with relevant topics like life after graduation, career choices, and what it takes for students to discover their passion in life.

The podcast is available for alumni on major platforms like Spotify

With every episode, the bi-monthly podcast is helping the Alumni Association of the University engage with their 54,000+ alumni community. The series is marketed through email campaigns, newsletters, and on social media. Through relevant topics, each episode celebrates the success of alumni and puts them in a position to help others The series already has three quality episodes for alumni to listen to, and the podcast is available to stream on major platforms like Spotify and Google Podcasts. We love how this alumni-centric podcast is helping Jaguars at different stages of their lives by paying homage to the saying — once a Jaguar, always a Jaguar.

A social media post promoting a recent episode

🌟 Our Sources of Inspiration

Lauren Healy currently serves as the Corporate & Alumni Relations Officer at Governors State University. Lauren has been working with the University for nearly ten years now.

Lauren’s responsibilities at the University include enaging with corporate, community and alumni partners through unique events and programs. Additionally, she helps provide students with career enhancing opportunities and experiences through engaged alumni mentors businesses that are located in Chicago.

Kristiana Russell was the host of the Jaguar Journal Podcast. She is an alum of Governors State University, having graduated in the year 2020. Shortly after graduation, Kristiana transferred to Governors State and immediately became involved as a student leader by joining the Student Activities Council and later became Student Senate President. She majored in Interdisciplinary Studies and double minored in Marketing and Dance, and plans to pursue a Master of Science.

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