Best practices

Securing Matching Gifts From Alumni This Holiday Season

Securing Matching Gifts From Alumni This Holiday Season




November 28, 2023

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November 28, 2023

Ho, ho, ho⁠—the holiday season is quickly approaching. Schools like yours are presented with a powerful opportunity to engage supporters amidst a period of heightened generosity and giving⁠, in which alumni are one of the most essential segments to consider.

And it’s the perfect time to increase your matching gift fundraising efforts, too!

But do you have a plan in place to optimize alumni outreach and make the most of your donation match potential as the end of the year draws near? In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate exactly how you can do so by incorporating these tried-and-true practices:

  1. Implement a multi-channel EOY matching gift marketing plan.
  2. Craft compelling messaging centered around matching gift impact.
  3. Integrate matching gifts directly into your holiday giving experience.
  4. Pursue matching gifts from previously made alumni donations.
  5. Consider exploring new matching gift partnerships.

Maximizing impact with minimal resources

The end-of-year fundraising season is one of the most lucrative times for colleges, universities, and other educational institutions. A well-thought-out strategy for matching gifts can make your efforts go even further as you prepare your team for the coming year.

Let’s dive in!

1. Implement a multichannel EOY matching gift marketing plan.

Matching gifts often go unclaimed due to a lack of awareness on the part of the donors who unknowingly qualify. Therefore, spreading knowledge of the programs is one of the best ways to increase participation⁠—and it’s a good idea to market the opportunity using all of your favorite donor communication channels.

For example, Double the Donation’s matching gift experts recommend:

Sharing ample matching gift information on your school website. Connect with alumni online by providing substantial information regarding matching gifts on your school’s website. This should include a page dedicated to matching gift opportunities, a section on your “Ways to Give” page, and more. And if you have access to a matching gift database tool, add that widget here as well.

Promoting matching gift opportunities on your social media pages. Regularly share materials that highlight the availability and impact of corporate matching gifts on your institution’s social media profiles⁠—and ramp up your content schedule leading up to the end of the year. Direct followers to the matching gift hub on your website for additional information, and encourage them to look into their own employers’ available programming.

Mentioning matching gifts in all alumni email communications. In the coming weeks, you likely have a plan to send alumni newsletters, fundraising appeals, campaign updates, gift acknowledgments, and more to engage supporters in your year-end efforts. Be sure to include valuable mentions of matching gifts in these communications! Not sure where to start? Check out some sample matching gift blurbs you can leverage in your outreach here.

2. Craft compelling messaging focused on matching gift impact.

Alumni already have a significant connection to your cause. They’ve seen firsthand the widespread benefits your institution has on your school community, and that’s why they’re interested in giving back to support your future endeavors.

Ensure you communicate well how matching gift opportunities can produce a tangible impact for your specific fundraising needs. This might include success stories, testimonials, and metrics related to matching gifts.

Consider the following example:In 2023, our school collected more than $50,000 worth of matching gifts from alumni donors who took the extra step on our behalf. This supplemental funding allowed our team to provide additional scholarships for 10 eager students who are now able to join our school community. One donor shared the following about the experience: ‘I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have my employer DOUBLE my gift to my alma mater. I was feeling generous in the giving season and came to find out that my contribution was able to make an even greater impact for the school I love.’”

3. Integrate matching gifts into your holiday giving experience.

During the holiday season, alumni engagement tends to surge, resulting in significant increases in individual giving. To harness this heightened generosity, incorporating matching gift opportunities directly within the donation process goes a long way.

For instance, once an individual completes their donation through the online form and clicks "submit," they can be redirected to a confirmation page that encourages them to explore matching gift possibilities. This approach facilitates a straightforward way to extend their support for your school while retaining the momentum of the initial giving experience.

Top tip: For donors who opt not to complete their match immediately from the gift confirmation screen, your school can trigger post-transaction reminders (ideally within 24 hours of the initial gift) as well!

4. Pursue matching gifts from previously made alumni donations.

Did you know that the holiday giving season, which coincides with the end of the calendar year, is also an excellent opportunity to re-engage donors from earlier in the year?

Tons of companies require employees to submit their match requests during the year in which the initial gift was made⁠. That means many matching gift submission windows are set to close in the coming weeks⁠—and that a year-end push can be particularly effective!

Not only does this allow you to secure last-minute matching gift funds, but it also empowers supporters to get involved in your year-end campaign without requiring another donation. For example, an alumnus who last gave in January may still qualify to request a match⁠ even if they don’t have the funds to make an additional gift at this time.

5. Consider exploring new matching gift partnerships.

A final way to drive matching gift revenue this giving season involves pursuing relationships with companies that may otherwise not match employee gifts. And that is exploring custom (or “one-off”) matching gift partnerships.

In order to do so, begin by identifying and reaching out to corporations whose values align with your school's mission. It’s great if you have something in common to help get your foot in the door⁠—such as an overlap between your alumni or donors and the company’s employees or even geographic proximity.

Communicate the opportunity to your point of contact at the business, being sure to emphasize the benefits to the company’s employee engagement, public image, and more. Plus, keep in mind that your alumni or other existing donors can be some of your greatest advocates in this process. Encourage supporters to pitch the idea to their employers, facilitate a warm introduction for your institution, or help guide the company through the program development process.

Not to mention, the end-of-year holiday season is an excellent chance to pursue these types of partnerships. After all, it’s not just your donors who tend to experience an elevated giving spirit⁠—their employers may be, too

Advancement Playbook

As you begin crafting your end-of-year appeals, don’t let corporate matching donations fall by the wayside. Securing matching gifts during the holiday giving season enables your school to make the most of incoming funds, re-engage previous donors, bankroll important initiatives, support your student community, and enhance alumni relations.

By equipping your development team with the right tools to streamline and advance your efforts (such as the Almabase + Double the Donation matching gifts integration), you can do more to pursue corporate matching opportunities while requiring less time and resources.

About the Author

Adam Weinger

Adam Weinger is the President of Double the Donation, the leading provider of matching gift tools to nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. Adam created Double the Donation in order to help nonprofits increase their annual revenue through corporate matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Ho, ho, ho⁠—the holiday season is quickly approaching. Schools like yours are presented with a powerful opportunity to engage supporters amidst a period of heightened generosity and giving⁠, in which alumni are one of the most essential segments to consider.

And it’s the perfect time to increase your matching gift fundraising efforts, too!

But do you have a plan in place to optimize alumni outreach and make the most of your donation match potential as the end of the year draws near? In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate exactly how you can do so by incorporating these tried-and-true practices:

  1. Implement a multi-channel EOY matching gift marketing plan.
  2. Craft compelling messaging centered around matching gift impact.
  3. Integrate matching gifts directly into your holiday giving experience.
  4. Pursue matching gifts from previously made alumni donations.
  5. Consider exploring new matching gift partnerships.

Maximizing impact with minimal resources

The end-of-year fundraising season is one of the most lucrative times for colleges, universities, and other educational institutions. A well-thought-out strategy for matching gifts can make your efforts go even further as you prepare your team for the coming year.

Let’s dive in!

1. Implement a multichannel EOY matching gift marketing plan.

Matching gifts often go unclaimed due to a lack of awareness on the part of the donors who unknowingly qualify. Therefore, spreading knowledge of the programs is one of the best ways to increase participation⁠—and it’s a good idea to market the opportunity using all of your favorite donor communication channels.

For example, Double the Donation’s matching gift experts recommend:

Sharing ample matching gift information on your school website. Connect with alumni online by providing substantial information regarding matching gifts on your school’s website. This should include a page dedicated to matching gift opportunities, a section on your “Ways to Give” page, and more. And if you have access to a matching gift database tool, add that widget here as well.

Promoting matching gift opportunities on your social media pages. Regularly share materials that highlight the availability and impact of corporate matching gifts on your institution’s social media profiles⁠—and ramp up your content schedule leading up to the end of the year. Direct followers to the matching gift hub on your website for additional information, and encourage them to look into their own employers’ available programming.

Mentioning matching gifts in all alumni email communications. In the coming weeks, you likely have a plan to send alumni newsletters, fundraising appeals, campaign updates, gift acknowledgments, and more to engage supporters in your year-end efforts. Be sure to include valuable mentions of matching gifts in these communications! Not sure where to start? Check out some sample matching gift blurbs you can leverage in your outreach here.

2. Craft compelling messaging focused on matching gift impact.

Alumni already have a significant connection to your cause. They’ve seen firsthand the widespread benefits your institution has on your school community, and that’s why they’re interested in giving back to support your future endeavors.

Ensure you communicate well how matching gift opportunities can produce a tangible impact for your specific fundraising needs. This might include success stories, testimonials, and metrics related to matching gifts.

Consider the following example:In 2023, our school collected more than $50,000 worth of matching gifts from alumni donors who took the extra step on our behalf. This supplemental funding allowed our team to provide additional scholarships for 10 eager students who are now able to join our school community. One donor shared the following about the experience: ‘I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have my employer DOUBLE my gift to my alma mater. I was feeling generous in the giving season and came to find out that my contribution was able to make an even greater impact for the school I love.’”

3. Integrate matching gifts into your holiday giving experience.

During the holiday season, alumni engagement tends to surge, resulting in significant increases in individual giving. To harness this heightened generosity, incorporating matching gift opportunities directly within the donation process goes a long way.

For instance, once an individual completes their donation through the online form and clicks "submit," they can be redirected to a confirmation page that encourages them to explore matching gift possibilities. This approach facilitates a straightforward way to extend their support for your school while retaining the momentum of the initial giving experience.

Top tip: For donors who opt not to complete their match immediately from the gift confirmation screen, your school can trigger post-transaction reminders (ideally within 24 hours of the initial gift) as well!

4. Pursue matching gifts from previously made alumni donations.

Did you know that the holiday giving season, which coincides with the end of the calendar year, is also an excellent opportunity to re-engage donors from earlier in the year?

Tons of companies require employees to submit their match requests during the year in which the initial gift was made⁠. That means many matching gift submission windows are set to close in the coming weeks⁠—and that a year-end push can be particularly effective!

Not only does this allow you to secure last-minute matching gift funds, but it also empowers supporters to get involved in your year-end campaign without requiring another donation. For example, an alumnus who last gave in January may still qualify to request a match⁠ even if they don’t have the funds to make an additional gift at this time.

5. Consider exploring new matching gift partnerships.

A final way to drive matching gift revenue this giving season involves pursuing relationships with companies that may otherwise not match employee gifts. And that is exploring custom (or “one-off”) matching gift partnerships.

In order to do so, begin by identifying and reaching out to corporations whose values align with your school's mission. It’s great if you have something in common to help get your foot in the door⁠—such as an overlap between your alumni or donors and the company’s employees or even geographic proximity.

Communicate the opportunity to your point of contact at the business, being sure to emphasize the benefits to the company’s employee engagement, public image, and more. Plus, keep in mind that your alumni or other existing donors can be some of your greatest advocates in this process. Encourage supporters to pitch the idea to their employers, facilitate a warm introduction for your institution, or help guide the company through the program development process.

Not to mention, the end-of-year holiday season is an excellent chance to pursue these types of partnerships. After all, it’s not just your donors who tend to experience an elevated giving spirit⁠—their employers may be, too

Advancement Playbook

As you begin crafting your end-of-year appeals, don’t let corporate matching donations fall by the wayside. Securing matching gifts during the holiday giving season enables your school to make the most of incoming funds, re-engage previous donors, bankroll important initiatives, support your student community, and enhance alumni relations.

By equipping your development team with the right tools to streamline and advance your efforts (such as the Almabase + Double the Donation matching gifts integration), you can do more to pursue corporate matching opportunities while requiring less time and resources.

About the Author

Adam Weinger

Adam Weinger is the President of Double the Donation, the leading provider of matching gift tools to nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. Adam created Double the Donation in order to help nonprofits increase their annual revenue through corporate matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Blackbaud, the leading provider of software for powering social impact, and Almabase, the digital-first alumni engagement solution, have announced the expansion of their partnership to the education sectors of Canada and the United Kingdom. The partnership will provide institutions with a modern, digital-first solution to improve constituent data, drive self-serve engagement, and boost event participation.

A Unified Vision

The partnership aligns with Blackbaud’s commitment to customer-centric innovation across digital engagement, Advancement CRM, and financials.

“Partners bring integrated capabilities that extend capabilities and outcomes for Blackbaud customers. We are thrilled that Almabase’s offering, integrated with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® and leveraging Blackbaud’s best-in-class payment solution, Blackbaud Merchant Services™, is now available to even more of our customers around the world.”

- Liz Price, Sr. Director of Global Partners at Blackbaud

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