[New] Easily Drive Participation Across Hundreds of Campaigns with Campaign Hub
Picture this — A giving day is on the horizon. You have hundreds of funds that you want to drive donations to. You’re expecting thousands of alumni from multiple classes and campuses to participate. Directing this complex mix of audience to causes they care about while ensuring a smooth giving experience seems daunting and almost impossible.
With our newest addition to our P2P Crowdfunding page, donors are going to find it suprisingly easy to navigate to causes they want to engage and contribute to.
It's called Campaign Hub, and it’s here to transform how you create and organize giving campaigns.
Dive in to find out more.
Make Your Giving Page Home To All Your Giving Day Initiatives

Visualize the home screen of a desktop that has multiple folders. Just a double-click on any them reveals the contents of the folder. Easy way to organize things right?
That’s why we took the same logic and applied it to Campaign Hubs. Now you can organize all your giving day initiatives on your giving page which in turn helps your donors quickly navigate to their preferred cause.
Think of Hubs as parent folders. You can name a hub to reflect a major cause. For instance, Athletics & Activities is an example of a major cause.
Now within a hub, you can create and organize multiple giving campaigns.
Highlight select campaigns, and customize every campaign within each hub

Each campaign that is part of a giving day has to tell a story, pique interest, and showcase healthy competition— in one quick glance. Not easy. Only you know what’ll strike a chord with your alumni.
That’s why we wanted you to have complete control over how you craft this story.
Feature an image of your choice: Draw alumni into your campaign with a catchy image that captures their attention or take the text-only route.
Add a description, short or long: Tell the story behind the campaign in two lines or two paragraphs.
Display hand-picked funds for each campaign: Your constituents won’t have the time to search through hundreds of funds. That’s why we built fund drive, a feature that let’s highlight select group of funds on a campaign. By eliminating choice overload, you are making giving straightforward for your constituents.
Set and showcase campaign goals to inspire healthy competition: You can set gift and participation goals for each campaign you create within a hub. A real-time goal progress thermometer appears on the campaign page whenever a goal is set. The best part — although all thermometers across campaign pages are independent of each other, they can be configured to add up to the primary thermometer of your pillar giving page.
Showcase donor names: Seeing a buddy's name on a campaign is likely to grab a potential donor's attention. You can choose to display or hide donor names for each campaign.
Create personalized campaigns with participation challenge: A participation challenge lets you create campaigns for a specific group of constituents based on conditions like affiliation, funds chosen, and more. So now it’s possible to create a campaign just for the class of 98’ or just for parents. Only the names and contributions of people that satisfy the conditions will be displayed on the campaign page that has participation drive enabled.
Unique shareable links for each campaign: Spreading the word for each campaign can’t get easier. Donors can share any campaign they are on with their peers. A unique link ensures potential donors see only campaigns that are relevant to them. More focused information. More focused giving.
Arrange campaigns in a hub in any order you prefer
Play around with the position of campaigns within a hub until you find the perfect order. This feature will help you spotlight campaigns that you want constituent’s to see first.
Our Campaign Hub feature is available starting today.
If you’re an Almabase customer, simply log into the platform to create your first Campaign Hub.
Blackbaud, the leading provider of software for powering social impact, and Almabase, the digital-first alumni engagement solution, have announced the expansion of their partnership to the education sectors of Canada and the United Kingdom. The partnership will provide institutions with a modern, digital-first solution to improve constituent data, drive self-serve engagement, and boost event participation.
A Unified Vision
The partnership aligns with Blackbaud’s commitment to customer-centric innovation across digital engagement, Advancement CRM, and financials.
“Partners bring integrated capabilities that extend capabilities and outcomes for Blackbaud customers. We are thrilled that Almabase’s offering, integrated with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® and leveraging Blackbaud’s best-in-class payment solution, Blackbaud Merchant Services™, is now available to even more of our customers around the world.”
- Liz Price, Sr. Director of Global Partners at Blackbaud